Hengeveld, Kees (1992), Non-verbal predication: Theory, typology, diachrony.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


Front matter (546 KB)
0. Introduction (126 KB)
1. Some basic principles of Functional Grammar (540 KB)
2. The sample (360 KB)
3. Non-verbal predication (978 KB)
4. Parts of speech (1098 KB)
5. A classification of non-verbal predications (2328 KB)
6. Non-verbal predicability (1153 KB)
7. Alternatives for non-verbal predications (1128 KB)
8. The expression of non-verbal predications (1343 KB)
9. Systems of non-verbal predication (995 KB)
10. Copularization (1016 KB)
11. Auxiliarization (1566 KB)
12. Conclusion (109 KB)
References, indices (1017 KB)